And Would You Look At That? Another Reflection...


 There's been a new development in the dynamic displayed in my fourth period classroom. Give guessing a go. No, really, give it a shot, I'll wait...

 Times up!

Group projects.

Underwhelming? Perhaps. It's a new development nonetheless. Groups were selected with a digital randomizer, and on the company I ended up with, I can't complain. Everyone participated, as far as I noticed. Working on their various portions of the assignment. Though, I spent most of the time staring down at a white sheet of paper. Blank, save for a few faint pencil lines. Figuring out what to draw didn't come easily. Though, I didn't expect it to in the first place. Every now and again, I'd show my progress to the group, get a couple of nods, and continue. My drawing was inspired by the poem we read called, "Mother to Son" by Langton Hughes, and features a lot more color now than when I left to go home this afternoon. Now, enough about what happened, onto what I learned.

 I suppose, in a way I learned that there will be more variety to this class. I figured there would be, but now I'd say it's confirmed. And I learned that I'm both a better artist than I thought, and a lot worse. Give me a break; When the focus of the lesson is analyzing a poem, and you're the illustrator, there isn't much to 'learn', per se. And since the poem didn't use language as complex as days prior, and I really just had to draw the vague images in my head, there wasn't any new vocabulary words to pick up. Regardless, today was a relatively 'good' day. Perhaps 'ok' would be a better fit. At the very least, nothing seemed to go poorly.


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