Another Reflection


 Another day, another lackluster blog post. I figure, like yesterday, this is meant to be a reflection of what I learned in class today. I didn't actually hear this being assigned all that clearly this time around; with announcements going on and such. I could be utterly mistaken on today's prompt. But, assuming the focus really is what I learned today, I actually learned a thing or two and made a mental note of another. Though, I don't accredit much of that to the lesson, or activity or whatever you'd like to call what transpired today. I knew all but two of the words; those words being 'burgher' and 'cote'. 

 I'd say 'clomb' as well, but it was relatively easy to discern it's meaning via context clues.

 When I got home from school, I googled the meaning of 'cote", being "a shelter for mammals or birds...", as well as 'burgher', which we went over in class. To any wondering, 'clomb' is an archaic past tense word/spelling for climb, and 'burgher' refers to a 'a citizen of a town or city, typically a member of the wealthy bourgeoisie(middle class)'. That's what I learned addressed, onto what I made a mental note of.

 I can't say it's new information, but undoubtedly very valuable. In reading questions on any document it isn't uncommon to mix up some words or fall short of the full meaning. I've made the mistake of misreading and/or not fully reading questions on numerous occasions. More often than I likely should. I made a mistake like that on the assignment we did today, not taking into account the word 'analogous' as it was used in the question. Because of that, I got the particular question wrong. I'll, again, have to make a mental note to read questions in full.

 For a bit more context into why unknown words were of such relevance today, we went over complex sentences. And something on topic, but sounding pretty unrelated, the mention of Satan was a bit unexpected.


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