Bears. Beets. Another Reflection


 We took notes and watched a speech made by Donald trump today. If we did anything else, I don't recall. Or don't feel it's necessary to re-hash. The central topic of our notes was Crisis Rhetoric and the five aspects of it. The five aspects being urgency, crisis as reality, dramatic characters, policy as morality, and rhetorically generative. Do I intend to explain each? No. Because I've had a headache since third period, and we have possibly the most boring, mind-numbing assignment for homework, as kids apparently didn't appear to be listening. Which, whether that's true or not, I didn't expect to spend my evening analyzing a speech made around the time of 9-11. Good day.

 Most boring and mind-numbing may be a bit of an exaggeration.

 I'm just not keen on homework.


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