Is That A Bird? A Plane? Nope, Just Another Reflection


 Another day without drastically different or new material. You'd think that would make for another blog post empty of what I learned. Especially, taking into account that I had to leave class early. But, you'd be mistaken. I actually learned two things. Not as closely linked with the material as one may prefer, but I learned something nonetheless.

 The first of which being that from where the teacher stands, when the air conditioner comes on, you genuinely can't hear anything. It's as difficult to hear in the front of the class as it is at a desk. It's like trying to talk in a car with all of the windows down, minus the refreshing outside breeze. I'm exaggerating in saying that you can't hear 'anything'. You can hear well enough if you really make a point to register the words, but it really is drastically more difficult to hear than with the conditioner off.

 The other thing I learned, or registered, or appreciated, was how genuinely supportive classmates were at something I originally thought very little of. To have drawn something and stared at the paper for longer than really necessary wondering what it was missing, and still have gotten a positive reaction presenting it, and such a positive reaction, made for a surprising difference in my overall confidence in that piece. And to have described said drawing, glancing off into nowhere, trying and failing to find the best words to incapsulate my meaning, and ending up with praise for my way of speaking, made a substantial difference in how willing I was to talk.


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