What Is My Dream?


 Well, I'm all but glad you asked. It just so happens, that this is one of my least favorite prompts to receive. But, in the interest of maybe lessening the sentence count, I'll stop stalling and just get on with it. My limitless dream, is to wholly live the life of ideals that gallivant around the plane that is my mind. Which would include a couple impossible 'possibilities; capabilities; realities; situations'? The best word isn't important, considering the follow up question to the title of this post is, "How will you achieve it, and how can you avoid deferring it?", I figure I'll have better luck with a limited dream.

 My 'limited' dream, is to find a well-paying career that I enjoy so wholeheartedly that it's as if I've truly found my purpose, and can pay for whatever anyone close to me ever wants or needs. So, very limited, right? Regardless of how much of a reach it could seem, I intend to achieve it by taking as many opportunities presented to me that I can make time for, in order to gain as many experiences and skills as possible. To find what I most enjoy doing, or at the very least have a very rough idea. And to avoid deferring that dream, I intend to live out two dull clichés. 'Living in the moment' and 'Not dwelling on past mistakes'. Because who cares? We'll all forget someday, and be dust another.


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