'Reflecsion', ' Raflection, 'Reflectshun'


 I learned something today. Gained some modicum of information. Something of pertinence to AP Literature? Perhaps. I'm not entirely sure actually. How much does spelling matter to the teachings of AP Lit? I've no clue. Nevertheless, I learned how to spell 'modicum'. It turns out pronouncing a word you've never seen written, incorrectly, makes it nearly impossible to spell correctly when your only resource is sounding it out. Who would've thought? 'Monocrumb', 'monecrum', 'monicum', all incorrect ways of spelling it. Luckily 'monicum' was just a right click away from the accurate spelling. I guess posts are good for somethings. Like learning random words you rarely use.

 Beyond the topic of this post, am I missing something? Or have there actually been no new assignments posted?


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