Benchmark; Wild


 Again, the entirety of class time was spent on the benchmark, a decent portion of the class exempt from it. 11th grade completed PSAT testing yesterday, so class time wasn't limited. Which is particularly fortunate for all students that did end up taking the benchmark. After the benchmark or for those not taking it, reading the current book for the class was a option, which I'm not sure many really took. I can't imagine a book that, from the prologue, reads like a narrative story, but is about a hike, being all that entertaining. The prologue seemed to immediately make out the events to be more dramatic than they seemed, and read like it was zooming out of the story from a camera attached to a drone. Like a cinematic shot of a mountain with the main character shouting the words from almost too far away to hear, talking with pacing like they were in a play. But, as it was just the prologue, it's possible it gets better when you're more immersed in the story, and/or further into the book. When it's formed a more determined beginning and more sequential, well followed, events. And you've adjusted to the way it's written.


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