

 We finished presenting our current events projects. There were two or three today, but I only really remember one of them. The "Don't Say Gay" bill presentation. Apparently some peices of government in Florida are trying to pass a bill that prohibits the teaching, and maybe the conversating of LGBTQ+ topics by teachers in schools. Specifically in grades k-3rd. If it turns out its just that teachers won't be teaching it. I can kindof to some extent see how it could work. If it touches on conversating at all, less so, as far as it maybe working. However,  even though perhaps it could work, given it's effect is to be very limited. It's still not a sign of very good faith.

 Considering technically teachers aren't meant to teach and influence children's views of religion,  but do anyway. It's a difference in lifestyle. Religion, sexuality, gender identity,  and the like. I don't think there should necessarily be a bill against it. That seens a bit drastic. Especially when its the only topic being covered, as there are a number of issues similar to this one. And considering some would say younger ages a better times to teach things of this sort. The sort this bill would address.

 I don't think children in grades below 3rd really need to know anything about sex. But gender identity, and pride in things like it could be beneficial to teach. To make such topics normal. When something is completely accepted and considered normal,  something like this,  it could potentially decrease bullying. That's a potential.

 The group that spoke about this showed a tweet by President Biden speaking against this bill. Callong it hateful. The group themselves mentioned how unnecessary it could be considered. I'd agree. Anyway.


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