
Skip the red text if you don't want the read a rant. Really it's all a bit of a rant.

 We're going over rhetorical essays. It's a couple days later than I anticipated we'd be doing it, but that's not important. We're reading the essay's of our peers. Writing our various notes, our yes's and no's. Did they do well, or did they not? Is it inherently racist for a white man to call a black person of any age "boy"? Yes? I had no idea that every little gesture between races was racist.

 Man oh man did I clearly not know the extent of racism today. It's insidious, it's reached all aspects of our life and conversation and I hadn't even noticed. Screw white people then eh? If so many things are racist.

 Thank goodness I'm not being sarcastic in the slightest. We're finally getting that good bit of clarity we've all awaited.

 What in the case a young boy, that happens to be black is doing something dangerous. White person goes, "Boy, get down from there.", "Boy, put that down.". Jeez, the horror, the racism, the pain to society. Are you kidding? Nah, no, maybe I'm wrong. I could be. Who knows. Who cares. I got a 3 on my essay on a scale from 0 - 9. About what I expected.

 After reviewing my rhetorical analysis essay and score, I need to work on time management, more commentary, less quotes, not getting bored of everything literary, and ignoring the planning stage more. By time management, I'm probably fine actually, as fine as possible, if there's an issue with time still when I've improved at writing, it's the fault of whoever set the limit. That's sarcasm. Or not. I, and I think most students today write faster on a keyboard. But, what does the state, or whoever sets these times and conditions care.

 We're well versed in typing, not writing. Take a note? This is taking me 20, maybe 30 minutes right now. I'm typing.

 I do genuinely need more commentary. Up until this class, this year, I've had no issue just spouting quotes for a decent enough grade. That's elementary school, middle, 9th grade, maybe even tenth. It's clear times have changed. Or at least the type of essay has. That's fair enough. New year, new topic to learn. I can do commentary, I think. So, I will knowing I have to.

 Less quotes go right along with more commentary. If I will the space with commentary, I won't end up looking at a nearly empty page and thinking, "Hm, needs more quotes." Because it won't--the space will be filled, better faced, and more of my own writing.

 Not getting bored or literary concepts will perpetually be a work in progress. Drone on and on about things. So, very captivating. Wow, words, wow meanings. Working on it. Last thing, ignoring the planning stage more. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but really, I spend all too much time there. Too much time following everything to a tee, not enough time just comprehending the text and writing, commentary. Yep, more commentary, a decent use of my time. The planning stage can be covered as you write. Somewhat. Well enough, I figure. At least I think that will work better for me. 


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